Interregnum STOPS 6 and 7 | Stop in Barcelona, thinking I lost my luggage

Dedicated to Geraldine, who showed me the way with her simple smile: everything was inside me and in front of me, but I was not able to see. Now it's much clearer and I will be thankful to you till death. But still a lot of work to do: it's a journey, not a destination.

And to Dino, who has always a bed for me, when visiting or dropping by Barcelona!

August 23

Probably this is my favorite moment, when I can wrap up my thoughts sitting at airports and think about the past, the present and the future.

I am in Madrid airport now, seated at Mahoudrid, an airport restaurant named by the Mahou beer and the city of Madrid. Given the unexcellent service of Chase Travel, I had to change my plans, and while trying to find solutions for the route MAD to CTA, unfortunately - I have to stop one night in Barcelona and I am so sad about that, deeply 😎😎😎. Dino, a coworker of mine, is always so kind to host me there, so tonight guys, I will be sleeping in Barcelona.

But let's start form the beginning: we had our farewell breakfast this morning. While packing the Casablanca beer I got, I made sure to take a pic in case it would break while traveling.

Overall I was kinda sad the trip was over, but at the same time, I am happy to proceed my travel. What stuck with me about my Morocco experience were 3 things:

- Chefchaouen: I would have never discovered this beauty without Intrepid probably, and this was definitely the geographical highlight of my trip.

- Humanity: visiting the Berber families made me appreciate the value of materialism and comfort in our society; probably nothing would change for me, but I will always remember the smile of the little girl: this was the cultural highlight of my trip.

- Connectedness: despite a small group, we were able to talk about deep topics: some socially sensitive, such as politics and religions and some other intimate, like depression, homosexuality and cancer; this was the social highlight of my trip

Going back to the Western materialism, I lost my USB-A > USB-C adapter: not sure at which stop exactly. And the prophecy keeps happening: except Fuerteventura I had lost 1 thing at each stop. Don't know what's happening with me. Probably it's just the years summing up on each other...

On a positive note, many postcards I had sent, reached their destinations in Italy and worldwide: still it's unbelievable how they reached US before Italy, but I don't want to argue on the Italian post office efficiency. Still some are missing - or at least I was not made aware, but I am glad I didn't waste money in sending them, probably I belong to the 1% of people worldwide that still sends postcards. I usually don't, but this trip is about making (re)connections, so I wanted to.

Finally I am still counting the days for the end of my Post-Diet, which is going to be Saturday August 28th, when my friend gets married.

On a parallel sideI am also trying to book for a new Shamanic Experience: the Seminar! Post-Seminar requirements are less strong than the Diet, and probably it would give me a nice boost of my awareness. I would love to bring some friends with me, but they all are scared about ayahuasca, while for me it's was revealing.

While arriving to the airport in Madrid, I freaked out for a couple of mins, since they said all the luggages had been delivered, but mine was not there. Fortunately, it was just a misalignment in display communications.

I reached Dino's home in Barcelona safe and sound slightly before 1AM, and he was waiting for me awake, so I didn't feel guilty.

August 24

I wanted to spend the day on the beach, but Barcelona's wish was different, as it rained pretty firmly for a couple of mins, and the beach was totally wet. We still decided to go out for a coffee, while the rain was still with us.

On my way to the airport, everything was smooth and I was even able to drop by the VIP Lounge in BCN for free: my favorite sport while at airports (if for free :D)

Despite I landed 30 mins before schedule, it took me 3 hours to get home, when usually it's 1h, due to the following:

  • COVID-19 rapid test: despite I got vaccine and 1 PCR test the day earlier, I still had to undergo an additional covid-19 test. In my opinion this is just a waste of money and public funds, but it was a regional law, so we needed to abide by that. Even the hostesses there felt sorry when I showed them my earlier test.
  • AVIS car pick-up. I have never had any issues with car pick-ups, but in Sicily it took me more than 30 mins, while in Fuerteventura for instance, took me 3 mins.
  • There was a car accident and I didn't follow Google Maps directions, as I thought they were wrong: and it took me 1h20m to get home. But I still saw Aetna in front of me, which was so peaceful despite the queue.

Also, on a personal note, it was the first time I took highway in Sicily, given my past troubles, and it was a big accomplishment for me.

I reached "home" at about 7:30pm and I was ready to enjoy the view from the balcony.


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