STOP 3 | Israel: What do Archeologists do? (2)

Last Friday our Supervisors confirmed to us that we reached the destruction level. See STOP 3 | Israel: What do Archeologists do? (1) to know more. We are really close to reach the floor of this building (just a couple of inches/cm away). WooHoo. But let's continue with what Archeologists do after digging :)

The AfterMath 1: Pottery Washing

But the work is not done yet...not even half of it. We leave our finding soaking with water for at least 24h. After such 24h are passed, we brush all the pieces with nail brushes and we put them into a container to dry under the sun for at least 24h.

The AfterMath 2: Pottery Reading

After they dry, Archaeologists or Professors review each container to try to understand better the finds and if this is worth saving. Content of each container will be put into bags and categorized as (thanks Shani for the clarification):

  • 1 | Indicatives: objects such as rims, bases and distinct decorations, they tell us what the vessel was whether it was a bowl or a jar, and within those types what form they are (and which culture they belong)
  • 2 | Discard: not relevant for further investigations
  • 3 | Restoration: items that need to be restored by a specific team.
  • 4 | Waiting: only used when Archaeologists aren't exactly sure yet if what you have is worth saving but there is a possibility
Pottery After Reading

The AfterMath 3: Pottery Writing

The bags for Restoration or Indicatives will then be reopened and on each piece - except the smallest ones - we should write a code, which includes the Site license number and the basket number: this will help Restoration team (they will have at least 1 school year to work on restore the finds from the 4week dig).

Pottery After Writing


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